Source code for skcriteria.utils.cmanagers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License: BSD-3 (
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Cabral, Juan; Luczywo, Nadia
# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, 2024 QuatroPe
# All rights reserved.

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"""Multiple context managers to use inside scikit-criteria."""

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import contextlib
import inspect

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[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def df_temporal_header(df, header, name=None): """Temporarily replaces a DataFrame columns names. Optionally also assign another name to the columns. Parameters ---------- header : sequence The new names of the columns. name : str or None (default None) New name for the index containing the columns in the DataFrame. If 'None' the original name of the columns present in the DataFrame is preserved. """ original_header = df.columns original_name = name = original_name if name is None else name try: df.columns = header = name yield df finally: df.columns = original_header = original_name
# ============================================================================= # EHIDDEN GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES # =============================================================================
[docs] class HiddenAlreadyUsedInThisContext(RuntimeError): """Raised when a context attempts to use the 'hidden' context manager \ more than once within the same scope."""
[docs] class NonGlobalHidden(RuntimeError): """Exception raised when the 'hidden' decorator is used in a context that \ is not the global scope of a module. This exception indicates that the 'hidden' decorator should only be applied globally, outside of any functions or methods, and an attempt to use it within a local context (e.g., inside a function or method) has been detected. """
class _DirWithHidden: """Custom directory function with hidden objects filtering. Parameters ---------- frame : frame The frame whose global variables will be considered. hidden_objects : dict A dictionary containing names of objects to be hidden and their corresponding objects. Examples -------- >>> frame = inspect.currentframe() >>> hidden = {'obj_to_hide': object()} >>> dir_with_hidden = _DirWithHidden(frame, hidden) >>> visible_attrs = dir_with_hidden() >>> print(visible_attrs) ['visible_obj1', 'visible_obj2'] """ def __init__(self, frame, hidden_objects): self.frame = frame self.hidden_objects = hidden_objects def __call__(self): """Call method to retrieve visible attributes in the frame. Returns ------- list A list of visible attribute names in the frame, considering the hidden_objects. """ attrs = [] for obj_name, obj in self.frame.f_globals.items(): if obj_name not in self.hidden_objects: attrs.append(obj_name) elif self.hidden_objects[obj_name] is not obj: attrs.append(obj_name) return attrs
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def hidden(*, hide_this=True, dry=False): """A context manager for hiding objects in the global scope. Parameters ---------- hide_this : bool, optional Whether to hide the 'hidden' context manager itself and/or the hidden module. Defaults to True. dry : bool, optional, default False If is True, the objects are not hide. Useful for testing. Raises ------ NonGlobalHidden If 'hidden' is declared inside a function, class or method. HiddenAlreadyUsedInThisContext If the 'hidden' context manager is used more than once in the same context. Yields ------ None Notes ----- - This context manager is intended to be used globally (outside any functions or methods). - It hides objects within the global scope for the duration of the context. Implementation Details ---------------------- - The context manager retrieves the current frame and ensures it is used globally. - It captures the state of the global scope before entering the context. - Objects introduced within the context are hidden in the global scope. - The '__dir__' attribute of the global scope is customized to include logic to hide the objects introduced within the context. """ self = hidden # this function # two levels because of the decorator @contextmanager frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back # if co_name != <module> we are inside a function or class if frame.f_code.co_name != "<module>": check_here = ( f"{frame.f_code.co_filename}:" f"{frame.f_lineno}::" f"{frame.f_code.co_name}" ) raise NonGlobalHidden( f"hidden() can only be used globally. Check {check_here!r}" ) # get the current state pre_f_globals = dict(frame.f_globals) # if he current state alreade replace the __dir__ hidden is used two times if isinstance(pre_f_globals.get("__dir__"), _DirWithHidden): raise HiddenAlreadyUsedInThisContext(frame.f_code.co_filename) yield # execute the decorator # check whatever the code declared inside the context hidden_objects = {} for obj_name, obj in frame.f_globals.items(): if obj_name not in pre_f_globals: hidden_objects[obj_name] = obj elif obj is self and hide_this: hidden_objects[obj_name] = obj # create the new dir object custom_dir = _DirWithHidden(frame=frame, hidden_objects=hidden_objects) # if dry, don't do anything simply stop now # otherwise replace the global __dir__ if not dry: frame.f_globals["__dir__"] = custom_dir