Source code for skcriteria.preprocessing.filters

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License: BSD-3 (
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Cabral, Juan; Luczywo, Nadia
# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, 2024 QuatroPe
# All rights reserved.

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"""Normalization through the distance to distance function."""

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from ..utils import hidden

with hidden():
    import abc
    from import Collection

    import numpy as np

    from ._preprocessing_base import SKCTransformerABC
    from ..core import DecisionMatrix
    from ..utils import doc_inherit

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[docs] class SKCByCriteriaFilterABC(SKCTransformerABC): """Abstract class capable of filtering alternatives based on criteria \ values. This abstract class require to redefine ``_coerce_filters`` and ``_make_mask``, instead of ``_transform_data``. Parameters ---------- criteria_filters: dict It is a dictionary in which the key is the name of a criterion, and the value is the filter condition. ignore_missing_criteria: bool, default: False If True, it is ignored if a decision matrix does not have any particular criteria that should be filtered. """ _skcriteria_parameters = ["criteria_filters", "ignore_missing_criteria"] _skcriteria_abstract_class = True def __init__(self, criteria_filters, *, ignore_missing_criteria=False): if not len(criteria_filters): raise ValueError("Must provide at least one filter") self._criteria, self._filters = self._coerce_filters(criteria_filters) self._ignore_missing_criteria = bool(ignore_missing_criteria) @property def criteria_filters(self): """Conditions on which the alternatives will be evaluated. It is a dictionary in which the key is the name of a criterion, and the value is the filter condition. """ return dict(zip(self._criteria, self._filters)) @property def ignore_missing_criteria(self): """If the value is True the filter ignores the lack of a required \ criterion. If the value is False, the lack of a criterion causes the filter to fail. """ return self._ignore_missing_criteria @abc.abstractmethod def _coerce_filters(self, filters): """Validate the filters. Parameters ---------- filters: dict-like It is a dictionary in which the key is the name of a criterion, and the value is the filter condition. Returns ------- (criteria, filters): tuple of two elements. The tuple contains two iterables: 1. The first is the list of criteria. 2. The second is the filters. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _make_mask(self, matrix, criteria, criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): raise NotImplementedError() @doc_inherit(SKCTransformerABC._transform_data) def _transform_data(self, matrix, criteria, alternatives, **kwargs): # determine which criteria defined in the filter are in the DM criteria_to_use, criteria_filters = [], [] for crit, flt in zip(self._criteria, self._filters): if crit not in criteria and not self._ignore_missing_criteria: raise ValueError(f"Missing criteria: {crit}") elif crit in criteria: criteria_to_use.append(crit) criteria_filters.append(flt) if criteria_to_use: mask = self._make_mask( matrix=matrix, criteria=criteria, criteria_to_use=criteria_to_use, criteria_filters=criteria_filters, ) filtered_matrix = matrix[mask] filtered_alternatives = alternatives[mask] else: filtered_matrix = matrix filtered_alternatives = alternatives kwargs.update( matrix=filtered_matrix, criteria=criteria, alternatives=filtered_alternatives, dtypes=None, ) return kwargs
# ============================================================================= # GENERIC FILTER # =============================================================================
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC, warn_class=False) class Filter(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC): """Function based filter. This class accepts as a filter any arbitrary function that receives as a parameter a as a parameter a criterion and returns a mask of the same size as the number of the number of alternatives in the decision matrix. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.Filter({ ... "ROE": lambda e: e > 1, ... "RI": lambda e: e >= 28, ... }) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 AA 5 6 28 FN 5 8 30 [3 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ def _coerce_filters(self, filters): criteria, criteria_filters = [], [] for filter_name, filter_value in filters.items(): if not isinstance(filter_name, str): raise ValueError("All filter keys must be instance of 'str'") if not callable(filter_value): raise ValueError("All filter values must be callable") criteria.append(filter_name) criteria_filters.append(filter_value) return tuple(criteria), tuple(criteria_filters) def _make_mask(self, matrix, criteria, criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): mask_list = [] for crit_name, crit_filter in zip(criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): crit_idx = np.in1d(criteria, crit_name, assume_unique=False) crit_array = matrix[:, crit_idx].flatten() crit_mask = np.apply_along_axis( crit_filter, axis=0, arr=crit_array ) mask_list.append(crit_mask) mask = np.all(np.column_stack(mask_list), axis=1) return mask
# ============================================================================= # ARITHMETIC FILTER # =============================================================================
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC, warn_class=False) class SKCArithmeticFilterABC(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC): """Provide a common behavior to make filters based on the same comparator. This abstract class require to redefine ``_filter`` method, and this will apply to each criteria separately. This class is designed to implement in general arithmetic comparisons of "==", "!=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=" taking advantage of the functions provided by numpy (e.g. ``np.greater_equal()``). Notes ----- The filter implemented with this class are slightly faster than function-based filters. """ _skcriteria_abstract_class = True @abc.abstractmethod def _filter(self, arr, cond): raise NotImplementedError() def _coerce_filters(self, filters): criteria, criteria_filters = [], [] for filter_name, filter_value in filters.items(): if not isinstance(filter_name, str): raise ValueError("All filter keys must be instance of 'str'") if not isinstance(filter_value, (int, float, complex, np.number)): raise ValueError( "All filter values must be some kind of number" ) criteria.append(filter_name) criteria_filters.append(filter_value) return tuple(criteria), tuple(criteria_filters) def _make_mask(self, matrix, criteria, criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): idxs = np.in1d(criteria, criteria_to_use) matrix = matrix[:, idxs] mask = np.all(self._filter(matrix, criteria_filters), axis=1) return mask
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterGT(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are greater than a \ value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterGT({"ROE": 1, "RI": 27}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 AA 5 6 28 FN 5 8 30 [3 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.greater
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterGE(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are greater or \ equal than a value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterGE({"ROE": 1, "RI": 27}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 AA 5 6 28 MM 1 7 30 FN 5 8 30 [4 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.greater_equal
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterLT(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are less than a \ value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterLT({"RI": 28}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] JN 5 4 26 [1 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.less
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterLE(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are less or equal \ than a value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterLE({"RI": 28}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] JN 5 4 26 AA 5 6 28 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.less_equal
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterEQ(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are equal than a \ value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterEQ({"CAP": 7, "RI": 30}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] MM 1 7 30 [1 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.equal
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterNE(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are not equal than \ a value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterNE({"CAP": 7, "RI": 30}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 JN 5 4 26 AA 5 6 28 [3 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.not_equal
# ============================================================================= # SET FILTERS # =============================================================================
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC, warn_class=False) class SKCSetFilterABC(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC): """Provide a common behavior to make filters based on set operations. This abstract class require to redefine ``_set_filter`` method, and this will apply to each criteria separately. This class is designed to implement in general set comparison like "inclusion" and "exclusion". """ _skcriteria_abstract_class = True @abc.abstractmethod def _set_filter(self, arr, cond): raise NotImplementedError() def _coerce_filters(self, filters): criteria, criteria_filters = [], [] for filter_name, filter_value in filters.items(): if not isinstance(filter_name, str): raise ValueError("All filter keys must be instance of 'str'") if not ( isinstance(filter_value, Collection) and len(filter_value) ): raise ValueError( "All filter values must be iterable with length > 1" ) criteria.append(filter_name) criteria_filters.append(np.asarray(filter_value)) return criteria, criteria_filters def _make_mask(self, matrix, criteria, criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): mask_list = [] for fname, fset in zip(criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): crit_idx = np.in1d(criteria, fname, assume_unique=False) crit_array = matrix[:, crit_idx].flatten() crit_mask = self._set_filter(crit_array, fset) mask_list.append(crit_mask) mask = np.all(np.column_stack(mask_list), axis=1) return mask
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCSetFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterIn(SKCSetFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are included in a \ set of values. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterIn({"ROE": [7, 1], "RI": [30, 35]}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 MM 1 7 30 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ def _set_filter(self, arr, cond): return np.isin(arr, cond)
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCSetFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterNotIn(SKCSetFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are not included \ in a set of values. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterNotIn({"ROE": [7, 1], "RI": [30, 35]}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] JN 5 4 26 AA 5 6 28 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ def _set_filter(self, arr, cond): return np.isin(arr, cond, invert=True)
# ============================================================================= # DOMINANCE # =============================================================================
[docs] class FilterNonDominated(SKCTransformerABC): """Keeps the non dominated or non strictly-dominated alternatives. In order to evaluate the dominance of an alternative *a0* over an alternative *a1*, the algorithm evaluates that *a0* is better in at least one criterion and that *a1* is not better in any criterion than *a0*. In the case that ``strict = True`` it also evaluates that there are no equal criteria. Parameters ---------- strict: bool, default ``False`` If ``True``, strictly dominated alternatives are removed, otherwise all dominated alternatives are removed. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterNonDominated(strict=False) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 1.0] CAP[▲ 1.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 JN 5 4 26 AA 5 6 28 FN 5 8 30 [4 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _skcriteria_parameters = ["strict"] def __init__(self, *, strict=False): self._strict = bool(strict) @property def strict(self): """If the filter must remove the dominated or strictly-dominated \ alternatives.""" return self._strict @doc_inherit(SKCTransformerABC._transform_data) def _transform_data(self, matrix, alternatives, dominated_mask, **kwargs): filtered_matrix = matrix[~dominated_mask] filtered_alternatives = alternatives[~dominated_mask] kwargs.update( matrix=filtered_matrix, alternatives=filtered_alternatives, ) return kwargs
[docs] @doc_inherit(SKCTransformerABC.transform) def transform(self, dm): data = dm.to_dict() dominated_mask = dm.dominance.dominated(strict=self._strict).to_numpy( copy=True ) transformed_data = self._transform_data( dominated_mask=dominated_mask, **data ) transformed_dm = DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data(**transformed_data) return transformed_dm