Source code for skcriteria.pipeline

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License: BSD-3 (
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Cabral, Juan; Luczywo, Nadia
# Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, 2024 QuatroPe
# All rights reserved.

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"""The Module implements utilities to build a composite decision-maker."""

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from .utils import hidden

with hidden():
    from .core import SKCMethodABC
    from .utils import Bunch, unique_names

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[docs] class SKCPipeline(SKCMethodABC): """Pipeline of transforms with a final decision-maker. Sequentially apply a list of transforms and a final decisionmaker. Intermediate steps of the pipeline must be 'transforms', that is, they must implement `transform` method. The final decision-maker only needs to implement `evaluate`. The purpose of the pipeline is to assemble several steps that can be applied together while setting different parameters. Parameters ---------- steps : list List of (name, transform) tuples (implementing evaluate/transform) that are chained, in the order in which they are chained, with the last object an decision-maker. See Also -------- skcriteria.pipeline.mkpipe : Convenience function for simplified pipeline construction. """ _skcriteria_dm_type = "pipeline" _skcriteria_parameters = ["steps"] def __init__(self, steps): steps = list(steps) self._validate_steps(steps) self._steps = steps # INTERNALS =============================================================== def _validate_steps(self, steps): for name, step in steps[:-1]: if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("step names must be instance of str") if not (hasattr(step, "transform") and callable(step.transform)): raise TypeError( f"step '{name}' must implement 'transform()' method" ) name, dmaker = steps[-1] if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("step names must be instance of str") if not (hasattr(dmaker, "evaluate") and callable(dmaker.evaluate)): raise TypeError( f"step '{name}' must implement 'evaluate()' method" ) # PROPERTIES ============================================================== @property def steps(self): """List of steps of the pipeline.""" return list(self._steps) @property def named_steps(self): """Dictionary-like object, with the following attributes. Read-only attribute to access any step parameter by user given name. Keys are step names and values are steps parameters. """ return Bunch("steps", dict(self.steps)) # DUNDERS ================================================================= def __len__(self): """Return the length of the Pipeline.""" return len(self._steps) def __getitem__(self, ind): """Return a sub-pipeline or a single step in the pipeline. Indexing with an integer will return an step; using a slice returns another Pipeline instance which copies a slice of this Pipeline. This copy is shallow: modifying steps in the sub-pipeline will affect the larger pipeline and vice-versa. However, replacing a value in `step` will not affect a copy. """ if isinstance(ind, slice): if ind.step not in (1, None): cname = type(self).__qualname__ raise ValueError(f"{cname} slicing only supports a step of 1") return self.__class__(self.steps[ind]) elif isinstance(ind, int): return self.steps[ind][-1] elif isinstance(ind, str): return self.named_steps[ind] raise KeyError(ind) # API =====================================================================
[docs] def evaluate(self, dm): """Run the all the transformers and the decision maker. Parameters ---------- dm: :py:class:`` Decision matrix on which the result will be calculated. Returns ------- r : Result Whatever the last step (decision maker) returns from their evaluate method. """ dm = self.transform(dm) _, dmaker = self.steps[-1] result = dmaker.evaluate(dm) return result
[docs] def transform(self, dm): """Run the all the transformers. Parameters ---------- dm: :py:class:`` Decision matrix on which the transformations will be applied. Returns ------- dm: :py:class:`` Transformed decision matrix. """ for _, step in self.steps[:-1]: dm = step.transform(dm) return dm
# ============================================================================= # FACTORY # =============================================================================
[docs] def mkpipe(*steps): """Construct a Pipeline from the given transformers and decision-maker. This is a shorthand for the SKCPipeline constructor; it does not require, and does not permit, naming the estimators. Instead, their names will be set to the lowercase of their types automatically. Parameters ---------- *steps: list of transformers and decision-maker object List of the scikit-criteria transformers and decision-maker that are chained together. Returns ------- p : SKCPipeline Returns a scikit-criteria :class:`SKCPipeline` object. """ names = [type(step).__name__.lower() for step in steps] named_steps = unique_names(names=names, elements=steps) return SKCPipeline(named_steps)