Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License: BSD-3 (
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021, Cabral, Juan; Luczywo, Nadia
# All rights reserved.

# =============================================================================
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"""Data abstraction layer.

This module defines the DecisionMatrix object, which internally encompasses
the alternative matrix,   weights and objectives (MIN, MAX) of the criteria.


# =============================================================================
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import abc
import enum
import functools

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd
from import format as pd_fmt

import pyquery as pq

from .plot import DecisionMatrixPlotter
from ..utils import Bunch, doc_inherit

# =============================================================================
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[docs]class Objective(enum.Enum): """Representation of criteria objectives (Minimize, Maximize).""" #: Internal representation of minimize criteria MIN = -1 #: Internal representation of maximize criteria MAX = 1 # INTERNALS =============================================================== _MIN_STR = "\u25bc" _MAX_STR = "\u25b2" #: Another way to name the maximization criteria. _MAX_ALIASES = frozenset( [ MAX, _MAX_STR, max, np.max, np.nanmax, np.amax, "max", "maximize", "+", ">", ] ) #: Another ways to name the minimization criteria. _MIN_ALIASES = frozenset( [ MIN, _MIN_STR, min, np.min, np.nanmin, np.amin, "min", "minimize", "<", "-", ] ) # CUSTOM CONSTRUCTOR ======================================================
[docs] @classmethod def construct_from_alias(cls, alias): """Return the alias internal representation of the objective.""" if isinstance(alias, cls): return alias if isinstance(alias, str): alias = alias.lower() if alias in cls._MAX_ALIASES.value: return cls.MAX if alias in cls._MIN_ALIASES.value: return cls.MIN raise ValueError(f"Invalid criteria objective {alias}")
# METHODS ================================================================= def __str__(self): """Convert the objective to an string.""" return
[docs] def to_string(self): """Return the printable representation of the objective.""" if self.value in Objective._MIN_ALIASES.value: return Objective._MIN_STR.value if self.value in Objective._MAX_ALIASES.value: return Objective._MAX_STR.value
# ============================================================================= # DATA CLASS # =============================================================================
[docs]class DecisionMatrix: """Representation of all data needed in the MCDA analysis. This object gathers everything necessary to represent a data set used in MCDA: - An alternative matrix where each row is an alternative and each column is of a different criteria. - An optimization objective (Minimize, Maximize) for each criterion. - A weight for each criterion. - An independent type of data for each criterion DecisionMatrix has two main forms of construction: 1. Use the default constructor of the DecisionMatrix class :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` where the index is the alternatives and the columns are the criteria; an iterable with the objectives with the same amount of elements that columns/criteria has the dataframe; and an iterable with the weights also with the same amount of elements as criteria. .. code-block:: pycon >>> import pandas as pd >>> from skcriteria import DecisionMatrix, mkdm >>> data_df = pd.DataFrame( ... [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], ... index=["A0", "A1"], ... columns=["C0", "C1", "C2"] ... ) >>> objectives = [min, max, min] >>> weights = [1, 1, 1] >>> dm = DecisionMatrix(data_df, objectives, weights) >>> dm C0[▼ 1.0] C1[▲ 1.0] C2[▲ 1.0] A0 1 2 3 A1 4 5 6 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] 2. Use the classmethod `DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data` which requests the data in a more natural way for this type of analysis (the weights, the criteria / alternative names, and the data types are optional) >>> DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data( ... [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], ... [min, max, min], ... [1, 1, 1]) C0[▼ 1.0] C1[▲ 1.0] C2[▲ 1.0] A0 1 2 3 A1 4 5 6 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] For simplicity a function is offered at the module level analogous to ``from_mcda_data`` called ``mkdm`` (make decision matrix). Parameters ---------- data_df: :py:class:`pandas.DatFrame` Dataframe where the index is the alternatives and the columns are the criteria. objectives: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Aan iterable with the targets with sense of optimality of every criteria (You can use any alias defined in Objective) the same length as columns/criteria has the data_df. weights: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` An iterable with the weights also with the same amount of elements as criteria. """ def __init__(self, data_df, objectives, weights): self._data_df = ( data_df.copy() if isinstance(data_df, pd.DataFrame) else pd.DataFrame(data_df) ) self._objectives = np.asarray(objectives, dtype=object) self._weights = np.asanyarray(weights, dtype=float) if not ( len(self._data_df.columns) == len(self._weights) == len(self._objectives) ): raise ValueError( "The number of weights, and objectives must be equal to the " "number of criteria (number of columns in data_df)" ) # CUSTOM CONSTRUCTORS =====================================================
[docs] @classmethod def from_mcda_data( cls, matrix, objectives, weights=None, alternatives=None, criteria=None, dtypes=None, ): """Create a new DecisionMatrix object. This method receives the parts of the matrix, in what conceptually the matrix of alternatives is usually divided Parameters ---------- matrix: Iterable The matrix of alternatives. Where every row is an alternative and every column is a criteria. objectives: Iterable The array with the sense of optimality of every criteria. You can use any alias provided by the objective class. weights: Iterable o None (default ``None``) Optional weights of the criteria. If is ``None`` all the criteria are weighted with 1. alternatives: Iterable o None (default ``None``) Optional names of the alternatives. If is ``None``, al the alternatives are names "A[n]" where n is the number of the row of `matrix` statring at 0. criteria: Iterable o None (default ``None``) Optional names of the criteria. If is ``None``, al the alternatives are names "C[m]" where m is the number of the columns of `matrix` statring at 0. dtypes: Iterable o None (default ``None``) Optional types of the criteria. If is None, the type is inferred automatically by pandas. Returns ------- :py:class:`DecisionMatrix` A new decision matrix. Example ------- >>> DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data( ... [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], ... [min, max, min], ... [1, 1, 1]) C0[▼ 1.0] C1[▲ 1.0] C2[▲ 1.0] A0 1 2 3 A1 4 5 6 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] For simplicity a function is offered at the module level analogous to ``from_mcda_data`` called ``mkdm`` (make decision matrix). Notes ----- This functionality generates more sensitive defaults than using the constructor of the DecisionMatrix class but is slower. """ # first we need the number of alternatives and criteria try: a_number, c_number = np.shape(matrix) except ValueError: matrix_ndim = np.ndim(matrix) raise ValueError( f"'matrix' must have 2 dimensions, found {matrix_ndim} instead" ) alternatives = np.asarray( [f"A{idx}" for idx in range(a_number)] if alternatives is None else alternatives ) if len(alternatives) != a_number: raise ValueError(f"'alternatives' must have {a_number} elements") criteria = np.asarray( [f"C{idx}" for idx in range(c_number)] if criteria is None else criteria ) if len(criteria) != c_number: raise ValueError(f"'criteria' must have {c_number} elements") weights = np.asarray(np.ones(c_number) if weights is None else weights) data_df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, index=alternatives, columns=criteria) if dtypes is not None and len(dtypes) != c_number: raise ValueError(f"'dtypes' must have {c_number} elements") elif dtypes is not None: dtypes = {c: dt for c, dt in zip(criteria, dtypes)} data_df = data_df.astype(dtypes) return cls(data_df=data_df, objectives=objectives, weights=weights)
# MCDA ==================================================================== # This properties are usefull to access interactively to the # underlying data a. Except for alternatives and criteria all other # properties expose the data as dataframes or series @property def alternatives(self): """Names of the alternatives.""" return self._data_df.index.to_numpy() @property def criteria(self): """Names of the criteria.""" return self._data_df.columns.to_numpy() @property def weights(self): """Weights of the criteria.""" return pd.Series( self._weights, dtype=float, index=self._data_df.columns, name="Weights", ) @property def objectives(self): """Objectives of the criteria as ``Objective`` instances.""" return pd.Series( [Objective.construct_from_alias(a) for a in self._objectives], index=self._data_df.columns, name="Objectives", ) # READ ONLY PROPERTIES ==================================================== @property def iobjectives(self): """Objectives of the criteria as ``int``. - Minimize = Objective.MIN.value - Maximize = Objective.MAX.value """ return pd.Series( [o.value for o in self.objectives], dtype=np.int8, index=self._data_df.columns, ) @property def matrix(self): """Alternatives matrix as pandas DataFrame. The matrix excludes weights and objectives. If you want to create a DataFrame with objetvies and weights, use ``DecisionMatrix.to_dataframe()`` """ return self._data_df.copy() @property def dtypes(self): """Dtypes of the criteria.""" return self._data_df.dtypes.copy() @property def plot(self): """Plot accessor.""" return DecisionMatrixPlotter(self) # UTILITIES ===============================================================
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): """Return a deep copy of the current DecisionMatrix. This method is also useful for manually modifying the values of the DecisionMatrix object. Parameters ---------- kwargs : The same parameters supported by ``from_mcda_data()``. The values provided replace the existing ones in the obSject to be copied. Returns ------- :py:class:`DecisionMatrix` A new decision matrix. """ dmdict = self.to_dict() dmdict.update(kwargs) return self.from_mcda_data(**dmdict)
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): """Convert the entire DecisionMatrix into a dataframe. The objectives and weights ara added as rows before the alternatives. Returns ------- :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` A Decision matrix as pandas DataFrame. Example ------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> dm = DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data( >>> dm ... [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], ... [min, max, min], ... [1, 1, 1]) C0[▼ 1.0] C1[▲ 1.0] C2[▲ 1.0] A0 1 2 3 A1 4 5 6 >>> dm.to_dataframe() C0 C1 C2 objectives MIN MAX MIN weights 1.0 1.0 1.0 A0 1 2 3 A1 4 5 6 """ data = np.vstack((self.objectives, self.weights, self.matrix)) index = np.hstack((["objectives", "weights"], self.alternatives)) df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=self.criteria, copy=True) return df
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Return a dict representation of the data. All the values are represented as numpy array. """ return { "matrix": self.matrix.to_numpy(), "objectives": self.iobjectives.to_numpy(), "weights": self.weights.to_numpy(), "dtypes": self.dtypes.to_numpy(), "alternatives": self.alternatives, "criteria": self.criteria, }
[docs] def describe(self, **kwargs): """Generate descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics include those that summarize the central tendency, dispersion and shape of a dataset's distribution, excluding ``NaN`` values. Parameters ---------- Same parameters as ``pandas.DataFrame.describe()``. Returns ------- ``pandas.DataFrame`` Summary statistics of DecisionMatrix provided. """ return self._data_df.describe(**kwargs)
# CMP ===================================================================== @property def shape(self): """Return a tuple with (number_of_alternatives, number_of_criteria). dm.shape <==> np.shape(dm) """ return np.shape(self._data_df) def __len__(self): """Return the number ot alternatives. dm.__len__() <==> len(dm). """ return len(self._data_df)
[docs] def equals(self, other): """Return True if the decision matrix are equal. This method calls `DecisionMatrix.aquals` whitout tolerance. Parameters ---------- other : :py:class:`skcriteria.DecisionMatrix` Other instance to compare. Returns ------- equals : :py:class:`bool:py:class:` Returns True if the two dm are equals. See Also -------- aequals, :py:func:`numpy.isclose`, :py:func:`numpy.all`, :py:func:`numpy.any`, :py:func:`numpy.equal`, :py:func:`numpy.allclose`. """ return self.aequals(other, 0, 0, False)
[docs] def aequals(self, other, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): """Return True if the decision matrix are equal within a tolerance. The tolerance values are positive, typically very small numbers. The relative difference (`rtol` * abs(`b`)) and the absolute difference `atol` are added together to compare against the absolute difference between `a` and `b`. NaNs are treated as equal if they are in the same place and if ``equal_nan=True``. Infs are treated as equal if they are in the same place and of the same sign in both arrays. The proceeds as follows: - If ``other`` is the same object return ``True``. - If ``other`` is not instance of 'DecisionMatrix', has different shape 'criteria', 'alternatives' or 'objectives' returns ``False``. - Next check the 'weights' and the matrix itself using the provided tolerance. Parameters ---------- other : :py:class:`skcriteria.DecisionMatrix` Other instance to compare. rtol : float The relative tolerance parameter (see Notes in :py:func:`numpy.allclose`). atol : float The absolute tolerance parameter (see Notes in :py:func:`numpy.allclose`). equal_nan : bool Whether to compare NaN's as equal. If True, NaN's in dm will be considered equal to NaN's in `other` in the output array. Returns ------- aequals : :py:class:`bool:py:class:` Returns True if the two dm are equal within the given tolerance; False otherwise. See Also -------- equals, :py:func:`numpy.isclose`, :py:func:`numpy.all`, :py:func:`numpy.any`, :py:func:`numpy.equal`, :py:func:`numpy.allclose`. """ return (self is other) or ( isinstance(other, DecisionMatrix) and np.shape(self) == np.shape(other) and np.array_equal(self.criteria, other.criteria) and np.array_equal(self.alternatives, other.alternatives) and np.array_equal(self.objectives, other.objectives) and np.allclose( self.weights, other.weights, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan, ) and np.allclose( self.matrix, other.matrix, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan, ) )
# repr ==================================================================== def _get_cow_headers(self): """Columns names with COW (Criteria, Objective, Weight).""" headers = [] fmt_weights = pd_fmt.format_array(self.weights, None) for c, o, w in zip(self.criteria, self.objectives, fmt_weights): header = f"{c}[{o.to_string()}{w}]" headers.append(header) return headers def _get_axc_dimensions(self): """Dimension foote with AxC (Alternativs x Criteria).""" a_number, c_number = self.shape dimensions = f"{a_number} Alternatives x {c_number} Criteria" return dimensions def __repr__(self): """dm.__repr__() <==> repr(dm).""" header = self._get_cow_headers() dimensions = self._get_axc_dimensions() kwargs = {"header": header, "show_dimensions": False} # retrieve the original string original_string = self._data_df.to_string(**kwargs) # add dimension string = f"{original_string}\n[{dimensions}]" return string def _repr_html_(self): """Return a html representation for a particular DecisionMatrix. Mainly for IPython notebook. """ header = dict(zip(self.criteria, self._get_cow_headers())) dimensions = self._get_axc_dimensions() # retrieve the original string original_html = self._data_df._repr_html_() # add dimension html = ( "<div class='decisionmatrix'>\n" f"{original_html}" f"<em class='decisionmatrix-dim'>{dimensions}</em>\n" "</div>" ) # now we need to change the table header d = pq.PyQuery(html) for th in d("div.decisionmatrix table.dataframe > thead > tr > th"): crit = th.text if crit: th.text = header[crit] return str(d)
# ============================================================================= # factory # =============================================================================
[docs]@functools.wraps(DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data) def mkdm(*args, **kwargs): """Alias for DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data.""" return DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data(*args, **kwargs)
# ============================================================================= # RESULTS # =============================================================================
[docs]class ResultABC(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class to implement different types of results. Any evaluation of the DecisionMatrix is expected to result in an object that extends the functionalities of this class. Parameters ---------- method: str Name of the method that generated the result. alternatives: array-like Names of the alternatives evaluated. values: array-like Values assigned to each alternative by the method, where the i-th value refers to the valuation of the i-th. alternative. extra: dict-like Extra information provided by the method regarding the evaluation of the alternatives. """ _skcriteria_result_column = None def __init_subclass__(cls): """Validate if the subclass are well formed.""" result_column = cls._skcriteria_result_column if result_column is None: raise TypeError(f"{cls} must redefine '_skcriteria_result_column'") def __init__(self, method, alternatives, values, extra): self._validate_result(values) self._method = str(method) self._extra = Bunch("extra", extra) self._result_df = pd.DataFrame( values, index=alternatives, columns=[self._skcriteria_result_column], ) @abc.abstractmethod def _validate_result(self, values): """Validate that the values are the expected by the result type.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def values(self): """Values assigned to each alternative by the method. The i-th value refers to the valuation of the i-th. alternative. """ return self._result_df[self._skcriteria_result_column].to_numpy() @property def method(self): """Name of the method that generated the result.""" return self._method @property def alternatives(self): """Names of the alternatives evaluated.""" return self._result_df.index.to_numpy() @property def extra_(self): """Additional information about the result. Note ---- ``e_`` is an alias for this property """ return self._extra e_ = extra_ # CMP ===================================================================== @property def shape(self): """Tuple with (number_of_alternatives, number_of_alternatives). rank.shape <==> np.shape(rank) """ return np.shape(self._result_df) def __len__(self): """Return the number ot alternatives. rank.__len__() <==> len(rank). """ return len(self._result_df)
[docs] def equals(self, other): """Check if the alternatives and ranking are the same. The method doesn't check the method or the extra parameters. """ return (self is other) or ( isinstance(other, RankResult) and self._result_df.equals(other._result_df) )
# REPR ==================================================================== def __repr__(self): """result.__repr__() <==> repr(result).""" kwargs = {"show_dimensions": False} # retrieve the original string df = self._result_df.T original_string = df.to_string(**kwargs) # add dimension string = f"{original_string}\n[Method: {self.method}]" return string
[docs]@doc_inherit(ResultABC) class RankResult(ResultABC): """Ranking of alternatives. This type of results is used by methods that generate a ranking of alternatives. """ _skcriteria_result_column = "Rank" @doc_inherit(ResultABC._validate_result) def _validate_result(self, values): length = len(values) expected = np.arange(length) + 1 if not np.array_equal(np.sort(values), expected): raise ValueError(f"The data {values} doesn't look like a ranking") @property def rank_(self): """Alias for ``values``.""" return self.values def _repr_html_(self): """Return a html representation for a particular result. Mainly for IPython notebook. """ df = self._result_df.T original_html = # add metadata html = ( "<div class='skcresult-rank skcresult'>\n" f"{original_html}" f"<em class='skcresult-method'>Method: {self.method}</em>\n" "</div>" ) return html
[docs]@doc_inherit(ResultABC) class KernelResult(ResultABC): """Separates the alternatives between good (kernel) and bad. This type of results is used by methods that select which alternatives are good and bad. The good alternatives are called "kernel" """ _skcriteria_result_column = "Kernel" @doc_inherit(ResultABC._validate_result) def _validate_result(self, values): if np.asarray(values).dtype != bool: raise ValueError(f"The data {values} doesn't look like a kernel") @property def kernel_(self): """Alias for ``values``.""" return self.values @property def kernelwhere_(self): """Indexes of the alternatives that are part of the kernel.""" return np.where(self.kernel_)[0] def _repr_html_(self): """Return a html representation for a particular result. Mainly for IPython notebook. """ df = self._result_df.T original_html = df._repr_html_() # add metadata html = ( "<div class='skcresult-kernel skcresult'>\n" f"{original_html}" f"<em class='skcresult-method'>Method: {self.method}</em>\n" "</div>" ) return html